Sunday, February 19, 2012

Error - could not initialize the Publisher - LOG FILE

The log file for the above message is as follows
Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent 8.00.760
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft SQL Server Replication Agent: ECOSYSTEM-MLEcosystem-Production_MLEcosystem-ML-US-MLEcosystem- 0
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US'
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:48:45 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[3/31/2004 9:48:45 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {?=call sp_helpsubscription_properties (N'ECOSYSTEM', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem')}
Distributor security mode: 0, login name: sa, password: ********.
[3/31/2004 9:48:45 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {?=call sp_helpsubscription_properties (N'ECOSYSTEM', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem')}
Publisher security mode: 0, login name: sa, password: *********.
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
Connecting to Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM.'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:48:49 AM]ECOSYSTEM.: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[3/31/2004 9:48:50 AM]ECOSYSTEM.: {call sp_helpdistpublisher (N'ECOSYSTEM') }
[3/31/2004 9:48:50 AM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: select datasource, srvid from master..sysservers where upper(srvname) = upper(N'ECOSYSTEM')
[3/31/2004 9:48:51 AM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_merge_anonymous_agent(N'0', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem', N'MLEcosystem', N'ML-US',?, 1369)}
[3/31/2004 9:48:53 AM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: {call sp_MShelp_profile (10, 4, N'')}
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
Percent Complete: 1
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:48:58 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: set nocount on declare @.dbname sysname select @.dbname = db_name() declare @.collation nvarchar(255) select @.collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@.dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(
@.collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@.collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@.collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle'
The merge process could not initialize the Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM:MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 0
The merge process could not initialize the Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM:MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147198719
Message: The merge process could not initialize the Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM:MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call master..sp_MScheck_agent_instance (N'9F48C1F5-1D8E-4886-864D-12230193FC4E', 4)}
Percent Complete: 0
Number: 21036
Message: Another merge agent for the subscription(s) is running.
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent 8.00.760
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft SQL Server Replication Agent: ECOSYSTEM-MLEcosystem-Production_MLEcosystem-ML-US-MLEcosystem- 0
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US'
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:01 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[3/31/2004 9:50:01 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {?=call sp_helpsubscription_properties (N'ECOSYSTEM', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem')}
Distributor security mode: 0, login name: sa, password: ********.
[3/31/2004 9:50:01 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {?=call sp_helpsubscription_properties (N'ECOSYSTEM', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem')}
Publisher security mode: 0, login name: sa, password: *********.
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
Connecting to Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM.'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:04 AM]ECOSYSTEM.: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[3/31/2004 9:50:04 AM]ECOSYSTEM.: {call sp_helpdistpublisher (N'ECOSYSTEM') }
[3/31/2004 9:50:05 AM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: select datasource, srvid from master..sysservers where upper(srvname) = upper(N'ECOSYSTEM')
[3/31/2004 9:50:06 AM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_merge_anonymous_agent(N'0', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem', N'MLEcosystem', N'ML-US',?, 1369)}
[3/31/2004 9:50:06 AM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: {call sp_MShelp_profile (10, 4, N'')}
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
Percent Complete: 1
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:10 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: set nocount on declare @.dbname sysname select @.dbname = db_name() declare @.collation nvarchar(255) select @.collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@.dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(
@.collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@.collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@.collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle'
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:15 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Percent Complete: 3
Retrieving publication information
Percent Complete: 4
Retrieving subscription information
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database 'MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process cleaned up 0 row(s) in MSmerge_genhistory, 0 row(s) in MSmerge_contents, and 0 row(s) in MSmerge_tombstone.
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database 'MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process cleaned up 0 row(s) in MSmerge_genhistory, 0 row(s) in MSmerge_contents, and 0 row(s) in MSmerge_tombstone.
Percent Complete: 4
Uploading data changes to the Publisher
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:40 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:43 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:44 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:49 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:50 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:53 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:53 AM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 9:50:57 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Analysis'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'UserTaskTimeSplit'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Users'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'TblMessage'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'TblAttachment'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'TaskDetailComment'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Risk'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'PeerReviewTimeSplit'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MessageMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MessageDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'ManagerTimeSheet'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'GanttMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugCategory'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Requirement'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Design'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgSitutationCompetitorTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgSituationCustomerCompetitorsTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgProgramQuarterDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgProfitLoss'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgLearningToolsTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgGoalQuarter'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgGoalDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgGoalAccQualMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgGoalAccQualDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyTrainingTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyProductsTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyFinancialsTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgAcQualificationTemp'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgAcQualification'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'RADFolder'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'FTPFile'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgProjectedPayment'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgProject'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgNewExpenseArchive'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'LoginHistory'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDSwipeData'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeResumeInformation'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeQualificationDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeLeaveCount'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDPastSalaryPaidDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'GanttRelationship'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugType'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugMasterDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugAuthor'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Analysis'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgTimeInvest'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgSummaryDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgSituationCompetitor'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgPossibleGoalDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgObjectiveMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgGoals'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgEventMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgDraftStrategy'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyOffices'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyGeneralInfo'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyFinancials'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgGSSTimeSheet'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDTDSEmployeeDeclaration'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Project'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgSituationCustomerCompetitors'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugTypeDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'BugPeer'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgProgramMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgEventPhoneCall'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgCompanyOfficeContacts'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MktgNewExpenses'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'MessagePerUser'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Task'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'ProjectDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'Process'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'AssignedProject'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'RADImplementerChecklistRecordsForPeer'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'RADImplementerChecklistRecordsForAuthor'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDAttendanceMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeSalaryMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeLeaveMaster'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'TaskDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'ProcessSkill'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'ProjectFtpQueueUser'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDAttendanceDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeStatus'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeLeaveDetails'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDLeaveUtilization'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'UserTask'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'ClientApprovalWorkDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'HRDEmployeeSalaryDetail'
Percent Complete: 5
Processing article 'PeerReview'
The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.PeerReview'.
The merge process encountered an unexpected network error. The connection to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM' is no longer available.
Percent Complete: 0
The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.PeerReview'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147201016
Message: The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.PeerReview'.
Percent Complete: 0
{call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call sp_MSenumcolumns (?,?)}
Percent Complete: 0
General network error. Check your network documentation.
Percent Complete: 0
Number: 11
Message: General network error. Check your network documentation.
Percent Complete: 0
The merge process encountered an unexpected network error. The connection to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM' is no longer available.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Merge Process
Number: -2147199469
Message: The merge process encountered an unexpected network error. The connection to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM' is no longer available.
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
the only time I've seen the error above was when the system was so corrupted
that I installed the latest sp once again then everything was OK. In the log
file there are a variety of errors including "Another merge agent for the
subscription(s) is running" which can be to do with activeX controls running
or hung processes but let's wait and see if anyone else has more specific
information on the main error, and if not then I'd apply the service pack.
Paul Ibison
|||Hi Manish,
I learned when I synchronize the servers you got the following error:
"The merge process could not initialize the Publisher
After reviewing the log file, I noticed the following error message.
[3/31/2004 9:48:58 AM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: set nocount on declare @.dbname
sysname select @.dbname = db_name() declare @.collation nvarchar(255) select
@.collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@.dbname,
N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(@.collation, N'CODEPAGE') as
'CodePage', collationproperty(@.collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID',
collationproperty(@.collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle'
The merge process could not initialize the Publisher
Percent Complete: 0
The merge process could not initialize the Publisher
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147198719
Message: The merge process could not initialize the Publisher
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call master..sp_MScheck_agent_instance
(N'9F48C1F5-1D8E-4886-864D-12230193FC4E', 4)}
Percent Complete: 0
Number: 21036
Message: Another merge agent for the subscription(s) is running.
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
It is suspected that this problem is caused by the orphaned process. Please
try the following steps and check to see if it able to fix your problem.
1. In Enterprise Manager, under "Replication Monitor", Go to "Agents"
folder, Look for your failing Agent there. Right Click and Stop the agent
if it is in a retrying status.
2. Under Enterprise Manager, under "Replication Monitor", Go to "Agents"
folder, right click on the failing agent, choose Agent, properties. From
the Agent properties dialog box, copy the name of the agent.
3. In the Query Analyzer, modify Your_Agent_Name with the name from the
previous step in the following command and execute:
Select spid from sysprocesses where program_name = 'Your_Agent_Name'
4. Obtain the spid from the output, and use the Kill command to kill that
orphan process:
Kill spid
5. Restart the applicable agent.
What's the result?
Also, such issues tend to be complex and take up extensive research time.
I'd like to set your expectations that it may take a while for us to help
you narrow down the problem and we may eventually redirect you to PSS to
continue working with a dedicated Support Professional. If this is
critical, I'd recommend contacting PSS and opening a Support incident
troubleshoot this further. If you need any help in this regard, please let
me know.
Michael Shao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! -
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.
|||Hi Paul,
Thank you for the message.
I have been trying to sync these desperately for the last few hours. What I did was I was clicking on the Start Synchronizing at the subscriber in EM, and kept on querying my publisher database from the subscriber. At times my queries used to take around
30 seconds to return 5 rows (3 columns) while under normal circumstances it would take less than a second. And whenever this problem used to happen the sync used to give some error or the other.
Below are some more entries from my log file
__________________________________________________ ______________
Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent 8.00.760
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft SQL Server Replication Agent: ECOSYSTEM-MLEcosystem-Production_MLEcosystem-ML-US-MLEcosystem- 0
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US'
Connecting to Subscriber 'ML-US.MLEcosystem'
Server: ML-US
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 3:59:10 PM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[3/31/2004 3:59:10 PM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {?=call sp_helpsubscription_properties (N'ECOSYSTEM', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem')}
Distributor security mode: 0, login name: sa, password: ********.
[3/31/2004 3:59:10 PM]ML-US.MLEcosystem: {?=call sp_helpsubscription_properties (N'ECOSYSTEM', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem')}
Publisher security mode: 0, login name: sa, password: *********.
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
Connecting to Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM.'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 3:59:14 PM]ECOSYSTEM.: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[3/31/2004 3:59:14 PM]ECOSYSTEM.: {call sp_helpdistpublisher (N'ECOSYSTEM') }
[3/31/2004 3:59:17 PM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: select datasource, srvid from master..sysservers where upper(srvname) = upper(N'ECOSYSTEM')
[3/31/2004 3:59:17 PM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_merge_anonymous_agent(N'0', N'MLEcosystem', N'Production_MLEcosystem', N'MLEcosystem', N'ML-US',?, 1369)}
[3/31/2004 3:59:17 PM]ECOSYSTEM.distribution: {call sp_MShelp_profile (10, 4, N'')}
Percent Complete: 0
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem'
Percent Complete: 1
Connecting to Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[3/31/2004 3:59:23 PM]ECOSYSTEM.MLEcosystem: set nocount on declare @.dbname sysname select @.dbname = db_name() declare @.collation nvarchar(255) select @.collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@.dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(
@.collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@.collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@.collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle'
The merge process could not initialize the Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM:MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 0
The merge process could not initialize the Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM:MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147198719
Message: The merge process could not initialize the Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM:MLEcosystem'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call master..sp_MScheck_agent_instance (N'9F48C1F5-1D8E-4886-864D-12230193FC4E', 4)}
Percent Complete: 0
Number: 21036
Message: Another merge agent for the subscription(s) is running.
Disconnecting from Subscriber 'ML-US'
Disconnecting from Publisher 'ECOSYSTEM'
Disconnecting from Distributor 'ECOSYSTEM'
I have specified the value for LoginTime to 3000 and QueryTimeOut to 3000. Also I have changed the DownloadGenerationsPerBatch, UploadGenerationsPerBatch and releated parameters to 5.
Do you think I should try a reinstall of SP3 on the subscriber?
Please advise. Thank you.
|||Yuan's reply (below) makes sense to me. I mentioned ActiveX controls because this is one circumstance where an agent can be started programmatically, preventing your agent from working. If you can get hold of the erroring agent's process this could be kil
led like Yuan says. My suggestion is a bit of a sledgehammer and is one I have seen used before for this error, but in this circumstance it shouldn't be necessary to go this far, and I am not convinced that there is an actual corruption that is fixed, rat
her the reinstallation of the service pack simply removes problematic hung processes as a side-effect. From your explanation it sounds like this is a sporadic error, which is worrying. Anyway, I'd apply Yuan's reasoning and make sure that you don't have a
ny merge agent being started programmatically form legacy code.
Paul Ibison
|||Hi Paul,
I am trying to implement Yuan's suggestion also.
But the thing is my servers synchronize based on synronichation scheduled via SQL Server. There is no possibility of any legacy code calling the merge agent.
Also, I did try a reinstall of SP3 on my subscriber. It didn't solve the problem though.
I am at present trying to implement Yuan's suggestion. I will post an update on the same later.
I would be highly obliged if you have any other suggestion though.
Thank you.

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