Thursday, March 29, 2012

Error 18456 Login failed for user 'distributor_admin'

Each time I try to configure my SQL 2000 server as a distributor using the
Wizard I get the following error message:
Error 18456 Login failed for user 'distributor_admin'
Can anyone help with this?
are you using a remote distributor?
If do your Publisher has the incorrect administrative link password. Connect
to your Publisher in EM. Go to Tools, replication, configure publishers,
Subscribers, and distributor, and click on the Publisher's tab. In the
Administrative link password dialog enter the administrative link password.
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
"Dave" <> wrote in message om...
> Hello,
> Each time I try to configure my SQL 2000 server as a distributor using the
> Wizard I get the following error message:
> Error 18456 Login failed for user 'distributor_admin'
> Can anyone help with this?
> Regards
> Dave
|||Check to make sure that the computer you are trying to access which has the
group 'distributor_admin' actually has the administrative access it
requires, both in the security file for the server and in the user security
for the individual database. If you play with file permissions, you may
want to check those as well. If you don't work with the file permissions
forget I added this. If you are on a network and the network administrator
has not enabled the administrator rights for the 'distributor_admin' group,
you may need to ask the administrator to grant the permission over the
"Dave" <> wrote in message om...
> Hello,
> Each time I try to configure my SQL 2000 server as a distributor using the
> Wizard I get the following error message:
> Error 18456 Login failed for user 'distributor_admin'
> Can anyone help with this?
> Regards
> Dave
|||Sorry, I should have given a bit more info. I'm trying to set up one
machine to replicate the contents of one table to a second machine
(not located in the same place)
I figured I needed to set Machine A up as a distibutor and then allow
Machine B to have a subscription.
I don't have the 'Publisher's tab' as I have not configured it to be a
publisher yet, this I can't do as I get the aforementioned error.
I can't see a login 'distributor_admin' in Ent Mgr.
I was assuming (maybe incorrectly) that I don't need to do anything on
Machine B in order to be able to set up the publishing side on Machine
Hope this helps you to help me
You're in over my head, but it sounds like a permissions error.
If you go to services and select the properties of your server, you'll see
the account that the machine starts in. Check to see that account is
someone who is in the 'distributor_admin' group. You can browse for it
there - and both sides need to be members of that group since it appears to
have the permission to run the transaction.
Hope this helps.
"Dave" <> wrote in message om...
> Sorry, I should have given a bit more info. I'm trying to set up one
> machine to replicate the contents of one table to a second machine
> (not located in the same place)
> I figured I needed to set Machine A up as a distibutor and then allow
> Machine B to have a subscription.
> I don't have the 'Publisher's tab' as I have not configured it to be a
> publisher yet, this I can't do as I get the aforementioned error.
> I can't see a login 'distributor_admin' in Ent Mgr.
> I was assuming (maybe incorrectly) that I don't need to do anything on
> Machine B in order to be able to set up the publishing side on Machine
> A.
> Hope this helps you to help me
> Dave
|||"Giacomo" <> wrote in message news:<#HHn#qLbEHA.3792@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl>...
> Dave,
> You're in over my head, but it sounds like a permissions error.
> If you go to services and select the properties of your server, you'll see
> the account that the machine starts in. Check to see that account is
> someone who is in the 'distributor_admin' group. You can browse for it
> there - and both sides need to be members of that group since it appears to
> have the permission to run the transaction.
> Hope this helps.
> Giac
I don't have a 'distributor_admin' group in either Ent Mgr or Computer Manager.
see if this link applies to you - there are 2 workarounds suggested, one of
which is the same as Hilary's first reply.;en-us;Q225129
Paul Ibison
|||Thanks for the suggestions. I had set up an alias sql server as the
default had been set up as (local) which would not work.
In the end I just removed and re-added the only registration so that
it had the same name as the server and all worked fine.
Thanks again

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