Thursday, March 29, 2012

Error 1911 replication column does not exist

Source server MSSQL7.0
Destination server MSSQL2K

I'm setting up replication for reporting purposes to another SQL-server.
When I start the distribution agent I get the following error:
Column name '<here's the name of a column I didn't publish and don't need to replicate>' does not exist in the target table.
Error number: 1911

I assume this is because of some dependencies between the columns.

Is there any way I can replicate without those columns?

RegardsDependency doesn't get replicated unless you specified. If you think the error was caused by the column dependency, check the unique index and the foreign key constraint to see whether the 'for replication' is checked or not.|||Thanks, you gave me the hint I needed.
I was scripting the creation of the publication because I need to setup replication for over 20 db's.
In the script you have to change the sp_addarticle @.schema_option value.


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