Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Error 14266 - Is 11:59:59 PM not a valid time?

I created a DTS package and wanted to schedule it to run at 11:59:59 PM. I
could not save the schedule.
An error "Error 14266: The specified '@.active_end_time' is invalid (valid
values are: before or after @.active_start_time). The job was not saved."
I tried 11:59:58 PM and 12:00:00 AM, both schedules can be saved. Why
11:59:59 PM not ?
Please help,It sounds like this is from what you are selecting in the
daily frequency section when you schedule the job.
Without the details of this, I'd guess you are selecting
something like "occurs every 24 hours" with "starting at
11:59:59 PM" and "ending at 11:59:59 PM". That will give the
error you have.
If you want the job to run daily at 11:59:59 PM, select the
"occurs once at " option (the first one in the daily
frequency section). It will run once a day (or at whatever
interval you have set or want set in the Occurs section) at
11:59:59 PM.
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 09:03:09 -0800, "Julia"
<> wrote:

>I created a DTS package and wanted to schedule it to run at 11:59:59 PM. I
>could not save the schedule.
>An error "Error 14266: The specified '@.active_end_time' is invalid (valid
>values are: before or after @.active_start_time). The job was not saved."
>I tried 11:59:58 PM and 12:00:00 AM, both schedules can be saved. Why
>11:59:59 PM not ?
>Please help,|||Selecting "Occurrs Once At:" with a time of 11:59:59 PM will not work.
The scheduling wizard assumes that the end time is 11:59:59 PM. This is
why you get the error 14266. Enter any other time and it will work.
You can easily verify this by entering a different time and saving it.
Then right click on the associated job. Select "All Tasks > Generate
SQL Script...
A dialog box will appear "Generate SQL Script - SERVER NAME/JOB NAME"
Click on the preview button. Click on the copy button and paste into a
text editor. Search for "@.active_end_time"
you will see that it is set to 235959.
Sue Hoegemeier Wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> It sounds like this is from what you are selecting in the
> daily frequency section when you schedule the job.
> Without the details of this, I'd guess you are selecting
> something like "occurs every 24 hours" with "starting at
> 11:59:59 PM" and "ending at 11:59:59 PM". That will give the
> error you have.
> If you want the job to run daily at 11:59:59 PM, select the
> "occurs once at " option (the first one in the daily
> frequency section). It will run once a day (or at whatever
> interval you have set or want set in the Occurs section) at
> 11:59:59 PM.
> -Sue
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 09:03:09 -0800, "Julia"
> <> wrote:
> PM. I
> (valid
> saved."
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