Thursday, March 22, 2012

error 15023 after restore db on different server (user dbo)

That is a user role, or user account error, and it probably already exists in the current system.

If you go to the user section of the db that you just restored, and delete all of the users, then go to the security options and allow these users to see it again, it should fix your problem.

There is a script somewhere that will resolve this, i will try to find and post.

Scooter McFlyhi,
but how i ll remove dbo in is not removing anyway showing error that:
The selected use canot be dropped because the user owns objects
Originally posted by scootermcfly
That is a user role, or user account error, and it probably already exists in the current system.

If you go to the user section of the db that you just restored, and delete all of the users, then go to the security options and allow these users to see it again, it should fix your problem.

There is a script somewhere that will resolve this, i will try to find and post.

Scooter McFly|||;en-us;819261 to resolve the issue.|||I would suggest EXECUTE sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix' ( myself.

-PatP|||If you want to drop a user from a db where it owns objects, you can change object ownership to dbo (or any other user - NOT RECOMMENDED) and go on with the drop.|||yaa,solved

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